there is “no reason to doubt that current vaccines protect” against the Omicron variant, says WHO

In addition, there are no indications that Omicron causes more severe forms of Covid-19, adds the World Health Organization.

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The WHO wants to be reassuring. “There is no reason to doubt” of the fact that current vaccines protect patients infected with the Omicron variant against severe forms of Covid-19, estimated Tuesday, November 7, Michael Ryan, the head of emergencies at the World Health Organization, in an interview with the ‘AFP.

“We have very effective vaccines that have been shown to be potent against all of the variants so far, in terms of disease severity and hospitalization, and there is no reason to believe that would not be the case.” with Omicron, explained Dr. Ryan.

“The general behavior we are seeing so far shows no increase in severity. In fact, some places in southern Africa are reporting milder symptoms.”, also declared the doctor, like what had said a little earlier the eminent American scientist Anthony Fauci.

“We have to be very careful in our way of analyzing” these data, however, said Dr. Ryan. He was careful to point out on several occasions that we were at the very beginning of studies of a variant detected only on November 24 by the South African authorities and which has since been spotted in dozens of countries.

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