“There is no other way out of the crisis than the withdrawal of this reform”, warns Sophie Binet, new general secretary of the CGT

Sophie Binet, the new secretary general of the CGT, warns that without withdrawal, “the meeting” with Elisabeth Borne on Wednesday “risks being very fast”.

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Sophie Binet, March 31, 2023, in Cournon-d'Auvergne.  (JEFF PACHOUD / AFP)

“There is no other way out of the crisis than the withdrawal of the reform” pensions, warns Sophie Binet, new general secretary of the CGT, invited Monday, April 3 on France Inter. While the intersyndicale will be received on Wednesday by the Prime Minister, Elisabeth Borne, Sophie Binet warns that without withdrawal, “the appointment is likely to be very quick”. “We cannot talk about other subjects until we withdraw this reform, the government must understand it”decides the boss of the CGT.

Sophie Binet recalls that “all trade unions are united by the same determination to win”to obtain the withdrawal of this bill. “This is the mandate given to me by this CGT congress, so I will continue like this”she promises.

“This reform will never apply”

“I don’t believe in the break, when we suspend, we withdraw”, adds Sophie Binet in response to Laurent Berger’s proposal to put “outstanding” postponing the legal retirement age and launching a “mediation”. Sophie Binet must meet with the boss of the CFDT “in the next few hours”.

Furthermore, she said to herself “convinced” that “this reform will never apply”pointing “a defect of form”. “One way or another it won’t apply, that’s why we need to be very many and many in the streets on April 6”, launches Sophie Binet, a few days before the 11th day of national mobilization. The general secretary of the CGT predicts that the demonstrators will be there “extremely numerous (…) to win the withdrawal of this reform”.

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