“There is no ideal solution” concerning the rescheduling of postponed matches, believes LNR director Emmanuel Eschalier

Emmanuel Eschalier, general manager of the National Rugby League (LNR), returned in an interview with AFP on the postponements of matches for health reasons which marked the Boxing Day of the Top 14, and the difficulties posed by the reprogramming.

How is the situation different from last season?

Emmanuel Eschalier: At this point in the championship, last year, there were many more postponements than there have been so far (48 in total over the entire season including those of Pro D2, editor’s note). There, these are the first postponements of the season so we can not consider that the situation is worse than last year. There was no vaccine either. So no solution to protect yourself as much as possible against the Covid. [Depuis l’arrivée du vaccin], there was a very strong vaccination movement within the clubs. 98% of players and staff are vaccinated. It’s a solid foundation that allows us to have a different health approach from last season.

Why have the postponement dates not yet been decided?

There is no reason to rush. Several options are ready and will be discussed with the clubs and with our broadcaster. We want to wait a few days to see how the situation evolves before making decisions and making announcements.

This means rescheduling matches on days of the Six Nations Tournament (February 5 – March 19) …

There is no free weekend in the calendar outside the international period. The first free weekends are from February and are few in number. So to play the postponed matches, there are only two solutions: either play during the weekends of international matches, with a sporting disadvantage for clubs that have a lot of internationals, or play the matches during the week, an option. which also has its share of problem and sporting impact … There is no ideal solution.

These postponements have given rise to discontent in clubs which deplore financial losses. Do you have any idea of ​​the cost?

It is up to each club to assess this amount. It is obvious that the postponed matches will not be played under the same conditions, that is to say in a context of end-of-year celebrations, with all the media interest and popular enthusiasm that there is. around Boxing Day. Obviously, there will be an impact. I fully understand their frustration, their nervousness about this situation. We all regret it, but we have to face it.

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