“There is no French laxity” in the management of the fifth wave, believes Clément Beaune


France 2

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Clément Beaune, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of European Affairs, was the guest of “4 Vérités” on France 2, Thursday 23 December.

Belgium is preparing to close its theaters and cinemas, Spain wants to reinstate the wearing of masks outdoors … Several European countries are taking measures against the meteoric spread of the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Why isn’t Europe putting in place a single policy? “The variant circulates throughout the continent, sometimes with differences or shifts in its circulation, which also explains why there are measures that are adapted to (…) each country“, explains Clément Beaune, Secretary of State to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, in charge of European Affairs, on the” 4 Vérités “stage, Thursday 23 December.

What we try to coordinate is first of all what we do at our external borders“, continues Clément Beaune, who recalls that almost all European countries have notably taken measures to suspend flights when the Omicron variant appears. The Secretary of State also underlined the existence of the European health pass. while Olivier Véran estimated that France would have around 100,000 cases of Covid-19 per day at the end of December, why does it not adopt coercive measures like its neighbors? “There is no French exception, nor French laxity“, said Clément Beaune, who adds:”The measures are not uniform at European level. Italy, for example, does not take containment or curfew-type measures either.. ”

We have to take a look at the history of this pandemic. We were sometimes told (…), ‘you are harder than the others’. We took the health pass before most European countries (…). We were not in the wait and in laxity“, said the Secretary of State for European Affairs.

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