“There is no discomfort” says Christophe Galtier about Mbappé and Neymar

Six days after the incident between Neymar and Mbappé to take the penalty last Saturday against Montpellier, Christophe Galtier did not escape a series of questions on the consequences of this moment of tension between two of the stars of PSG.

Meeting on Sunday to calm everyone

“We quickly saw each other the next day to iron out all that, to tell each other what we had to say between us”, explained Christophe Galtier at a press conference two days from Lille-PSG on Sunday (8:45 p.m.). Important clarification, when the Parisian coach says “we”, he thinks of him, the director of football Luis Campos and the two players. “We had a very pleasant week at work, everyone worked well, I enjoyed all the sessions this week and this epiphenomenon disappeared very quickly, that is to say the day after our meet”he added.

The hierarchy of penalty takers in question

During the big Parisian victory against Montpellier on Saturday, Mbappé had shown some signs of annoyance, brutally stopping a call for the ball seeing that it would not be served, for example. He had not celebrated his goal either, and had come to parley with Neymar to take the second penalty after missing the first. Galtier specified after the meeting that “things had been respected” regarding the penalty taker. The hierarchy “can only be scalable”he said on Friday. “There was a specific order on this match, Kylian as N.1 and + Ney + as N.2. Then there is the interpretation of the order given in the event of a 2nd penalty. There was an exchange, a discussion, +Ney+ felt like shooting him, and Kylian let him shoot”, explained Galtier, without wanting to reveal his hierarchy for the next meetings. Among the designated shooters are also Lionel Messi and Sergio Ramos, Galtier said, recalling that he was “important for our attackers to score goals, to maintain confidence”.

The Parisians are looking for their third victory in three Ligue 1 matches on Sunday (8:45 p.m.) in Lille.

With AFP

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