“There is no Bayou affair, there is no accusation”, reacts Julien Bayou, accused of psychological violence towards his ex-companion

The deputy EELV, who has stepped back from his position as national secretary of the environmentalist party, judges Tuesday in an interview with “Le Monde” that Sandrine Rousseau, who revealed the affair, “has gone too far”.

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“There is no Bayou case. There are no charges.” Julien Bayou counter-attacks. The deputy Europe Ecologie-Les Verts reacted, Tuesday, October 4, to the accusations of psychological violence against his ex-companion, in an interview with the World.

>> Bayou, Kohler, Dupond-Moretti: follow the reactions to the cases in our Direct

“There is no fact underlying the anathemas that I have been able to hear. A cell has self-seized following an e-mail sent to it. I am in the situation of someone an innocent of the facts of which he is not accused”, the chosen one justifies himself.

Julien Bayou judges that Sandrine Rousseau, who revealed the affair in the media, went too far”. “Teveryone measures it. For me, we must not confuse feminism and McCarthyism (…). Many at EELV write to me to tell me that it has gone too far, but they dare not say so in public. It’s not an excess of feminism, it’s a diversion.”

“The private sector should not be exploited for political purposes”, continues the deputy of Paris. He recalls having asked four times to be heard by the internal cell at EELV which had self-seized after an e-mail from his former companion.

The deputy resigned from the head of Europe Ecologie-Les Verts and withdrew from the co-presidency of the environmental group in the National Assembly, a few days after accusations of psychological violence against an ex-companion made by Sandrine Rousseau on the set of the program “C à vous”, on France 5. The elected official disputes these accusations.

Asked about the revelations of Release that he was the subject of a “under surveillance” by a group of feminist activists, he claims to have “hesitated to file a handrail” in 2019. “I had to ask a female activist to stop investigating me and above all to peddle rumors and accusations without evidence”, he specifies. “I see it as instrumentalization for the settlement of accounts.”

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