There is manure and manure

It is necessary to choose a well advanced manure, well decomposed.

Jacky Mercier, a market gardener in Frontenay sur Dive (86), specifies that young manure, in which the hay is still quite visible, must therefore be left on the ground for several weeks before being mixed with the earth.

What manure does he use?

Goat manure.

Manure from goats that he buys in bulk since he works on several hectares of fields, nothing to do with our little garden. What to use on our flowerbeds? Any manure that will present itself: cattle, hens, rabbits… Everything is good to take. And horse manure?

Be careful that it is well decomposed, because otherwise you will have a lot of herbs that will grow in your crops.

And that’s not the goal.

How deep do you bury manure?

When your manure is very ripe: you can bury it 10 centimeters deep. In what thickness? A good 6 cm will do.

Thank you Jacky Mercier.

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