“There is great unease on the left when listening to Fabien Roussel,” laments Jean-Luc Mélenchon

“We have never compared Fabien Roussel to Jacques Doriot,” assures the leader of La France insoumise.


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Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise, September 28, 2023 on France Inter.  (FRANCE INTER / RADIO FRANCE)

“There is great unease on the left when listening to what Fabien Roussel says”, laments Thursday September 28 on France Inter Jean-Luc Mélenchon, leader of La France insoumise. The former presidential candidate insists that he is “very uncomfortable [avec] the words that [le secrétaire général du PCF] holds in a number of areas. It’s not me who has a difference with him, it’s him who has a difference with what he himself signed, the agreement that we made on 640 points” within the framework of Nupes, adds Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

He thus accuses the national secretary of the PCF of having “decided on his own that there would no longer be a joint candidacy for the European elections, the municipal elections, or the presidential elections. He decided in cold blood to put us back into a difficulty already greater than the one we are in”regrets Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

>> MAINTENANCE. Compared to the collaborationist Jacques Doriot, Fabien Roussel calls for “respect and dialogue” so that “the left wins and prevails”

Furthermore, the leader of LFI does not condemn the controversial publications on social networks of the LFI deputy of Paris Sophia Chikirou and himself drawing a parallel between the collaborationist Jacques Doriot and Fabien Roussel. Jean-Luc Mélenchon sees in this controversy a form of“team diversion operation [de Fabien] Roussel”. “We have never compared Fabien Roussel to Jacques Doriot”, he maintains. The leader of the Insoumis also indicates having been “Treatise with François Ruffin by Jacques Doriot” by the philosopher Raphaël Enthoven previously, but “no one reacted.”

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