“Under no circumstances should a religious person give voting instructions”, because “Muslims do not constitute a political party”, asserts Tareq Oubrou, Friday on franceinfo.
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“There is an emotional, irrational outburst that undermines living together and civil peace,” regretted Friday July 5 on franceinfo Tareq Oubrou, grand imam of the Bordeaux mosque and author of What You Don’t Know About Islam published by Fayard.
The rise in racist acts during the legislative campaign worries the Muslim representative: “We are currently experiencing a cold civil war. We must do everything to avoid a stupid confrontation between two radicalized and divided blocs. Religion must not be a catalyst for this divide,” explained the imam.
While the Chief Rabbi of France denounced the anti-Semitism of the extremes on franceinfo on Friday morning, the Grand Imam of the Bordeaux mosque does not wish to interfere in political issues: “It is always a very, very delicate question in a secular republican tradition, where religion must maintain a certain distance from political politicking.”he explained. He recalled the message of Islam: “Like any religion, it calls for otherness, transcendence, justice, appeasement, reconciliation”he emphasizes.
“Under no circumstances should a religious person give voting instructions,” he said, but rather “elements of discernment”, because “Muslims are not a political party”says the grand imam. “Otherwise we will communitarianize politics at a time when it already suffers from communitarianism on all sides,” explained Tareq Oubrou.
“We must avoid the confessionalization of elections. We do not direct the faithful to vote for this or that person or against this or that person. On the other hand, we advocate universal values, values shared by all humanity within the framework of the values of the Republic,” he added.