“There is an almost institutional, generalized mistreatment”, denounces Philippe Juvin

“There is an almost institutional, generalized mistreatment”denounces this Sunday on franceinfo Philippe Juvin, head of emergencies at the Georges Pompidou hospital in Paris and health adviser to Valérie Pécresse for the presidential campaign, after the revelations on the living conditions of residents in the Ehpad of the Orpéa group. “We must completely review the Ehpad system in France, which is abusive. We have in France a ratio of six caregivers for ten patients, we must go to eight out of ten”.

>>> Private retirement homes: “Mistreatment exists” at Orpéa “even more than in other nursing homes”, denounces a nursing executive

For Philippe Juvin, “we don’t make money on elderly people who are vulnerable. We will publish quality criteria and those who do not follow them will be closed”assures the one who advises candidate LR for the presidential election on health issues. “In the name Ehpad: the word accommodation is shocking, because I think we have to create homes. We don’t host, they are homes (…) In theory in an Ehpad, you are at home. Well you’re not allowed to smoke, drink, have a cat”assures Philippe Juvin.

“You realize that there are nursing homes in which when you try to find out how many showers are given to residents per week, in reality you cannot find out”denounces Philippe Juvin, who evokes this case: “I have a specific example of a shower every five weeks.”

Regarding the revelations in the book The Gravediggers by journalist Victor Castanet, on the proximity of Xavier Bertrand, former Minister of Health, with the private company Orpéa in question, Philippe Juvin “Think that we are doing a bad trial to Xavier Bertrand. In this case, we must take back all the Ministers of Health since the concept of nursing homes was invented.”

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