Voters in 15 American states are called upon to nominate each party’s presidential candidate. The outcome of this day leaves little doubt in the Republican camp and in the Democratic camp.
Reading time: 7 min

Unless there is a surprise, Donald Trump, a real steamroller, will be designated as the Republican presidential candidate at the end of the primaries. “Super Tuesday”, Tuesday March 5, will provide an overview of the duel with Joe Biden, which will be played out in the fall in the United States. This day allows voters in 15 states to nominate the candidate they prefer, both Democrats and conservatives. Polls will be held in Alabama, Alaska (Republican Party only), Arkansas, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee , Texas, Utah, Vermont and Virginia. “What is curious this year is that there is almost no suspense”, recognizes Simon Grivet, historian and lecturer in American civilization at the University of Lille. From the caside from the Democrats, we know that Joe Biden will be chosen and on the Republican side, Donald Trump has so far systematically won, so he should also win.”
Which electorate for Donald Trump?
This “Super Tuesday” still raises several issues. What will be the position of Nikki Haley, Donald Trump’s rival in his Republican primaries? Regularly left behind, will she continue her campaign once Tuesday’s results are known? And if she stops, will she support Donald Trump? For the Trump camp itself, this March 5 should allow us to know whether “its electorate remains as narrow”continues Simon Grivet. “Despite his successive victories, he is, for example, struggling with the most educated electorate. Half of university graduates do not vote for Trump.”
This probable duel next November will therefore pit Joe Biden, 81, against Donald Trup, 77, two elderly politicians. “If we are to believe the polls, this is really the election that no one wanted, but it is the culmination of a political system that is having great difficulty renewing itself. Many Americans are waiting for the next election to finally see a profound renewal.”