“There is a total lack of respect for human lives” on the part of the Russians, assures Amnesty International France

Cecile Coudriou, President of Amnesty Internationale France, considers that the death of Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff is “a human tragedy”, but also a terrible illustration of what is repeated during this war in Ukraine during which eight journalists have already been killed.

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Frederic Leclerc-Imhoff, a French journalist working for BFMTV, was killed Monday, May 30 in Ukraine, while he was on board a humanitarian bus. One of his colleagues was injured and hospitalized. “We do not yet know if the journalist was targeted, but we can indeed say that these are acts that are similar to war crimes”, explains on franceinfo Monday Cécile Coudriou, president of Amnesty Internationale France. According to her since “the very first day” of this war in Ukraine, there is a “total lack of respect for human lives”. She also points out “that no distinction is made between civilians and military targets”.

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The president of Amnesty Internationale France confides that the death of Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff is “a human drama”but also a terrible illustration of what is repeated: eight journalists killed and “How many civilians targeted or killed by bombs?”, she complains. According to Cécile Coudriou, the work of journalists, associations and researchers on the ground in Ukraine is dangerous, especially during humanitarian operations. “We were able to document an evacuation in the area of ​​kyiv, in Irpin, which was targeted by Russian airstrikes, so it is unfortunately recurrent”she explains. What is certain is that civilians are absolutely not respected as civilians and in this it is a war crime.”

The president of Amnesty International France insists that an international investigation is now needed, “independent, impartial and transparent”recalling that the war waged by Russia is also being played out on the information front. “A journalist risks 15 years in prison in Russia if he talks about the war, the site and then the office of Amnesty International have been closed as well as those of other associationsremember Cecile Coudriou . The challenge is to fight against Russian propaganda, carried out by the Kremlin itself.”

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