“There is a system in which the National Rally has made itself the spokesperson for Vladimir Putin’s Russia”, charges Renaissance MP Sacha Houlié



Video length: 10 minutes.

France 2

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The President of the Law Commission at the National Assembly was the guest of “4 Vérités”.

This week, the government seemed to score a point by seeing rejected the bill which aimed to repeal the pension reform. “Democracy and the Constitution are not à la carte. […] Today, we have articles which should have led to this bill not being examined by the Commission, it was unconstitutional. It should have been declared inadmissible […]. It was not the case. There was a vote, we wanted a vote, there is a vote”explains Sacha Houlié, Renaissance deputy for Vienne and president of the Law Commission at the National Assembly, guest of the “4 Truths”, Friday, June 2.

“No majority” for the repeal of the pension reform

A repeal amendment is due next week. The President of the National Assembly assures that it is unconstitutional and that there will be no vote, the left cries foul and the denial of democracy. “The bill will not go through. […] It has no majority to pass at the end. […] On top of that, all the bills which increase the public charges, which reduce the revenue for the State, […] were deemed inadmissible. If we had a Chairman of the Finance Committee who did his job, who respected the Constitution, […] we would not have this kind of difficulty and we would not have the circus that we witnessed in the Commission either”estimates the president of the commission of the Laws in the national Assembly.

A parliamentary report makes public alleged links between the National Rally and Russia. “What Constance Le Grip established in her report, requested by the National Rally, is the concomitance of time between obtaining loans of 11 million euros by the National Rally and the holding of her remarks in favor of Vladimir Putin’s Russia with regard to Crimea, Syria, then the Ukrainian invasion. There is a system in which the National Rally has made itself the spokesperson for Vladimir Putin’s Russia in France. understood todayassures Sacha Houlié.

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