there is a shortage of more than 20% of seasonal workers in the hotel and catering industry

Will the Banne hostel in South Ardèche be forced to close one or two days a week? Its director Romain Bonneton is seriously asking the question. Its hotel restaurant employs 18 people in high season. They are now only 7. And impossible to find staff.

I don’t get many resumes. And most of the time, he asks for a fabulous salary or finds that we work too many hours. Romain Bonneton, manager of the Auberge de Banne.

Romain Bonneton receives few CVs and according to him the salaries requested are much too high or the candidates consider that we work too many hours or that the schedules are not suitable.

And we could multiply the examples: a few kilometers from Banne, in Ruoms, Clémentine Farrugia lives in much the same situation. She runs the Terminus restaurant with her husband; a restaurant and an aparthotel. It lacks 5 seasonal workers out of 11 employees.

Clémentine recognizes that we ask a lot of employees and that the salary is not always up to par.

The consequences of the health crisis

According to Edmond Abouzeid, president of the union of professions in the hotel industry of Drôme (UMIH), many employees left the profession during the health crisis. They branched off to another sector and realized that we could have schedules that were more compatible with private life. They didn’t come back.

24% of hotel and catering employees left the sector between February 2020 and February 2022 in France.

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