“There is a real mobilization”, according to the Landes supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon

This Saturday, February 5, members of France Insoumise and the Independent Workers’ Party (POI) gathered for a press conference in Mont-de-Marsan (Landes). The opportunity to mention a “awareness and mobilization” according to these activists who carry the project of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

Giving a sponsorship does not mean supporting

During the speech, the activists mentioned the difficulties of the candidate of France Insoumise to collect the 500 signatures of mayor to participate in the presidential election. “Some elected officials really need to understand that _to give a sponsorship is not to support_. It means above all that we play the game of democracy”, launches an activist around the table. It is true that in our department, some elected officials without labels are reluctant to give a signature. “We will continue to knock on doors to get the account”responds another activist.

Especially since in the assembly, the supporters of Jean-Luc Mélenchon are confident that the candidate will score well in this election. “Obviously, in recent weeks, there has been a form of awareness and mobilization. _Memberships are registered_people who come and really want to get involved”explains Laurent Péguy, a member of the movement in the Landes, despite the less encouraging polls than in 2017, before adding, “it’s often people from elsewhere who had never been involved in politics, or even who were no longer registered on the electoral lists and who realize that there is an emergency and that it is time to initiate a break with everything that has been done before.”

Activists from France Insoumise and the Independent Workers’ Party work together in the Landes © Radio France
Nina Valletta

And for the activist from the start, out of the question to hit the competition. No criticism concerning the number of candidates on the left, nor the place in the polls of candidates on the right. “It only interests the media. But the citizens do not care enough about these quarrels. This is the reason why we are in contact with people, we meet. We are really active on the militant level… “

We are not part of this usual left that has existed in France for years

A speech shared by Caroline Dacharry, member of the Municipal Council of Tarnos, and activist of France Insoumise. “I totally believe in the candidacy of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, otherwise I won’t be there. I believe in it because we are not a left candidate. We are the breaking left. And there is no one like us. Nobody who has a long-established program capable of defending it. I think we stand out because we are not part of this usual left that has existed in France for years. A speech that the activist says she observes directly on the ground. “People come to us more easily. We don’t have to run after them. They realize that in their day-to-day life, things are wrong. And people end up in our program. I think if you go to the street, _everyone is able today to give you at least one name of deputy of France Insoumise_. Because they are the ones who have been in combat during this quinquennium.

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