“There is a democratic crisis,” says MEP Raphaël Glucksmann, who judges Emmanuel Macron “irresponsible”

The MEP Public Square, Raphaël Gluksmann, shows at the microphone of France Inter his support for Laurent Berger. The secretary general of the CFDT denounced Wednesday “a democratic crisis”, on the management of the pension reform.

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MEP Raphaël Glucksmann on France Inter on April 7, 2023 (FRANCE INTER)

“There is a social, democratic crisis”reacted on Friday April 7 on France Inter Raphaël Glucksmann, MEP Public Square, thus approving the remarks of the boss of the CFDT Laurent Berger who had mentioned Wednesday a “democratic crisis” about the pension reform.

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“I don’t understand why Emmanuel Macron, when he is in China, continues to target Laurent Berger, what does he want?”asked Raphaël Glucksmann, while the head of state, traveling to China, refuted any idea of ​​a democratic crisis. “Fortunately we have Laurent Berger”continued Raphaël Glucksmann, “Fortunately we have a union leader who refuses to get into this game, and who, instead of adding fuel to the fire, is trying to appease France. That’s what we need”he added.

“I don’t even understand what Emmanuel Macron’s attitude is, what is Emmanuel Macron’s objective. Is it to throw oil on the fire?”asks Raphaël Glucksmann. “At a time of extreme tension, where there is inflation, war in Europe, and where every leader should be obsessed with one idea, which is to pacify, to reconcile, well, we are in permanent provocation and the search for conflict, I find that deeply irresponsible.”

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