Video length: 10 minutes.
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Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, is the guest of “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday, March 27.
Demonstrations against pension reform are sometimes overwhelmed by radical elements, which leads to violence. “We are drowning social protest in what unfortunately exists and which is the violent actions of a few outside the demonstrations”, specifies Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Monday March 27. “There is a climate that is dangerous, all the more reason to pause, so that the government understands that [l’âge de départ à la retraite à] 64 years old is rejected and that we must come back to it”he adds.
Mobilization: “We will at least go [jusqu’à la décision] of the Constitutional Council”
What should be done ? “We need a very strong movement from the government on the question of pensions. He must say: ‘The 64 years will not apply and we are discussing pensions and work again'”, believes Laurent Berger. And the secretary general of the CFDT to add: “I call on the government to be responsible and to say: ‘Listen, let’s put the withdrawal of the 64-year-olds on the table. We can say that it is temporary if it has to be said”.
A mobilization day is scheduled for Tuesday, March 28. Don’t the unions want to put the mobilization on hold? “We will at least go [jusqu’à la décision] of the Constitutional Council”concludes Laurent Berger.