“We need benchmarks so that the French can find their way because it is a real obstacle to vaccination coverage,” argues Anne-Claude Crémieux, Monday on franceinfo.
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“There is a certain complexity of the vaccination schedule”regretted Monday April 22 on franceinfo, Anne-Claude Crémieux, infectious disease specialist at Saint-Louis hospital in Paris, while the level of vaccination of the French has progressed in 2023, but “still needs to improve” against certain infections, particularly those on the rise such as measles, according to a report published by Public Health France. According to her, “we need benchmarks so that the French can find their way because it is a real obstacle to vaccination coverage”.
For those who are members of the college of the High Authority for Health (HAS) and president of the technical committee on vaccinations, if certain French people are not up to date with their vaccinations, “it’s not their fault”. “The new vaccines were added one after the other and we did not always ensure that the schedule was simple for the population,” she explained.
“The French do not know where they stand, while they are very favorable to vaccination, this does not encourage them to go and ask their pharmacist or doctor to be vaccinated.”
Anne-Laure Crémieux, infectious disease specialiston franceinfo
“We want people to be active”said Anne-Claude Crémieux. “We can explain the vaccination schedule by taking benchmarks” (infants, adolescents, elderly). “We are going to give benchmarks to the population and the new vaccines that we have studied and recommended this year are recommended for these benchmark age groups”, she assured. The infectious disease specialist also has great hopes in the “electronic vaccination record which is being put in place”. “We hope that one day you will have automatic reminders when you turn 65, telling you that you have four vaccinations to do,” she said.