“There is a breach of trust” with Italy, says Laurence Boone

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, on Thursday denounced the “incomprehensible choice” of Italy which refused to leave the humanitarian ship “Ocean Viking” land on its territory.

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“There is a breach of trust” with Italy, said Laurence Boone, Secretary of State for Europe, Friday, November 11 on franceinfo, while the humanitarian ship Ocean Viking arrived at the military port of Toulon with 230 migrants rescued in the Mediterranean on board. “There was a unilateral decision that puts lives at risk. We can ask ourselves the question of an instrumentalization of these human livesshe pointed.

>> LIVE. “Ocean Viking”: the SOS Méditerranée ship docked in Toulon, with 230 migrants on board

Laurence Boone explains that France “dialogued several days” with Italy, reminding it “international law” and “the European mechanism for the relocation of asylum seekers”.

“More than the majority of European countries agreed this summer to say that indeed, migrants are in a very annoying situation. We agreed to resolve this in Europeans.”

Laurence Boone

at franceinfo

The mechanism found consists of distributing refugees who have arrived in a country across Europe and providing financial assistance to the countries that host them. For Laurence Boone, the commitment of the previous Italian government to this mechanism applies to the far-right government of Giorgia Meloni. “Can you imagine if we changed European rules with each government? It would not be tenable.”

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