“There are many dysfunctions in the prison administration of this country”, affirms the deputy Laurent Marcangeli

The MP for Corse-du-Sud pleads for better monitoring of radicalization in prison, and for better care of prisoners with mental illnesses.

“On this case, as on others in the penitentiary environment, we note what had already been noted by other parliamentary investigation reports, it is that there are many dysfunctions of the penitentiary administration of this country “, reacted on Tuesday May 30 on franceinfo Laurent Marcangeli, deputy for Corse-du-Sud and president of the Horizons and related group. In its report, the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the fatal attack on Corsican independence activist Yvan Colonna in Arles prison in March 2022 points out “failures” And “lack of supervision”.

>> “Failures” at Arles prison, “leniency” towards the aggressor… What to remember from the parliamentary inquiry report into the death of Yvan Colonna

These failures “can sometimes, unfortunately, cost the life of an inmate or even a supervisor”underlines the rapporteur of the parliamentary commission of inquiry. “In this case it cost the life of a prisoner, in this case Yvan Colonna.”

“The monitoring of religious radicalism in prison is undervalued”

Laurent Marcangeli makes “a certain number of recommendations in the light of the facts”. According to him, “monitoring of religious radicalism in prison is sometimes undervalued”. Yvan Colonna, who was serving a life sentence for the assassination of the prefect Claude Erignac in 1998, was violently attacked on March 2, 2022 in the prison sports hall by Franck Elong Abé, a 36-year-old radicalized man convicted especially in a terrorist case. The deputy points “problems related to the mental health of prisoners”recalling that Franck Elong Abé was “recognized as mentally ill”.

“If tomorrow we want to prevent this kind of drama from happening again, there are new methods to be used to fight against radicalization in detention, and above all to ensure that mentally ill people are taken into account as they should. ‘be.”

Laurent Marcangeli, MP for Corse-du-Sud

at franceinfo

“The responsibility of the then management”

The report of the commission of inquiry also notes that the prison of Arles, where Yvan Colonna was assassinated, “carries a lot of stigma from these failures that we see in the French prison system”. “There is the responsibility of the management at the time, there is the organization of services, there is video surveillance which is faulty”explains Laurent Marcangeli. “Through This Drama” and the case “very media about the aggression of Yvan Colonna”the member sees “a systemic problem in our central prisons, in our remand centers, in our places of deprivation of liberty in France”.

The parliamentary commission of inquiry formulated “29 proposals” around a “triptych”, further details Laurent Marcangeli. “The first is to enlighten the national representation and our fellow citizens on what happened, because it is a crime, and it is due to failures, in particular of the prison administration.” The second part of this triptych is “appeasement” which passes through “the rapprochement of Corsican detainees, because this rapprochement, they are entitled to it”. Finally, it is necessary “to move forward, because we have to go beyond these painful events that we have known since 1998, with the assassination of a prefect of the Republic”.

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