A study in particular from the Pasteur Institute shows that cigarettes alter immunity in the long term, even after stopping.
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“There are long-term consequences on immunity” after weaning “but there are immediate beneficial effects of stopping”analyzes Marion Adler, tobacco specialist, invited Thursday February 15 on franceinfo, while a study by the Pasteur Institute shows lasting effects of smoking on health.
Immunity, in particular, seems even more damaged than expected. “Smoking modifies adaptive immunity in a persistent manner”concludes a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature. Work carried out as part of a project by the Pasteur Institute also highlights an element hitherto ignored: adaptive immunity, which is built over time with infections, remains damaged for years after stopping. To smoke.
“A benefit” as soon as you stop
“There are certain parts of immunity that return as soon as smokers quit”however reassures Marion Adler, “as soon as they stop, there is a benefit”. This study also shows that weight, via Body Mass Index and age are also important factors, and that tobacco is becoming a “additional risk factor for the immune system, and to fight against attacks, to develop cancers”explains the doctor.
She recalls that “nicotine is not the toxic element” when smoking, “it’s the smoke”, recalling in passing the harmfulness of passive smoking. It therefore encourages people to take nicotine when stopping smoking, “if you take nicotine, you can stop without suffering and without weight gain. It should be remembered that substitutes are reimbursed on prescription”. In case of failure, it is often when we do not take “not enough nicotine, and not long enough” she believes.