Cannes Film Festival: “There are all the Me Toos in this affair”, declares Florent Pommier, treasurer of the eponymous foundation
This Tuesday, May 14, several personalities signed a platform to demand consideration of a comprehensive law on sexual violence. Florent Pommier and Violaine de Filippis speak on the issue, on the set of 19-20 info.
This Tuesday, May 14, several personalities signed a platform to demand consideration of a comprehensive law on sexual violence. Florent Pommier and Violaine de Filippis speak on the issue, on the set of 19-20 info.
This Tuesday, May 14: 150 personalities demand, in an article in the newspaper Le Monde, a comprehensive law on sexual violence. The initiative was launched at the opening of the Cannes Film Festival. Questioned on the 19/20 info set, Florent Pommier and Violaine de Filippis speak on the subject. One is treasurer of the Me Too media foundation, a structure initiated by the platform, with the Women’s Foundation. The other is a lawyer and founder of the Action Juridique Féministe collective. This is a joint initiative with the Women’s Foundation.
“We have been preparing for this operation for several weeks”explains Florent Pommier. “There are all the Me Toos in the affair: media, sport, politics, incest. These are all the Me Toos which are grouped together as a sort of coordination”. “The Cannes Film Festival is an opportunity to shine a spotlight on societal issues,” Violaine de Filippis analysis. “It can also send a strong message, which is that the Festival is aware of the issues affecting the cinema sector.”