there are 5.2 million “energy strainers” in France, a number revised upwards

In the previous estimate of 2018, the National Observatory for Energy Renovation established the number of very energy-intensive homes at 4.8 million.

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France has 5.2 million “energy sieves” out of 30 million main residences, more than in the previous estimate in 2018, according to a study by the National Observatory for Energy Renovation (ONRE) published on Tuesday July 26.

According to the new method of calculating the energy performance diagnosis (DPE), which since 2021 labels housing from A to G according to their energy consumption and their level of greenhouse gas emissions, 17.3% of the stock of main residences are classified F or G. In January 2018, the ONRE estimated the number of energy strainers at 4.8 million among main residences, or 16.7% of the stock.

According to the new study published in July, approximately 1.5 million main residences (5% of the stock) are, on the contrary, considered to be “low energy consumers”, labeled A or B by the DPE. The share of energy strainers is higher among second homes (32%, or 1.2 million homes) and among vacant homes (27%, or 0.8 million homes).

The heating method and the characteristics of the accommodation (surface, date of construction, etc.) “affect energy performance”says the study.

Thereby, “44% of homes heated with fuel oil are classified F or G (…) labels F and G)”according to ONRE.

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