“There are 14,000 people in need of accommodation” in the Lyon metropolis, indicates the general director of Alynea


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9 mins

Precariousness: “There are 14,000 people in need of accommodation” in the Lyon metropolitan area, indicates the general director of Alynea

Precariousness: “There are 14,000 people in need of accommodation” in the metropolis of Lyon, indicates the general director of Alynea – (France info)

Present on the 19/20 info set, Saturday November 18, Pascal Isard and Marie-Charlotte Garin, return to the call for donations, launched by the Samu social de Lyon.

For the first time in its history, the Samu social de Lyon (Rhône) launched a call for donations to deal with the emergency. Asked about the motivations, Pascal Isard, general director ofAlyneaexplain : “What motivated this unprecedented initiative is a situation of equally unprecedented gravity. Currently, there are 14,000 people in need of accommodation (…) in the territory of the Lyon metropolis. C It’s twice as much as five years ago.” According to him, “we cannot let this situation continue”.

“Babies are sleeping outside”

Marie-Charlotte Garin, MP ecologist-NUPES du Rhône, spent Thursday night in a school in Lyon alongside a homeless couple and their children. This night, she claims to have experienced it “with great anger”. “It is not normal that in a country like France, we have 2,822 children sleeping on the street”she regrets, before mentioning “sorting by the worst”. She specifies: “Today, in the metropolis of Lyon, the vulnerability criterion to immediately shelter children is that you must have a mother and a child who is less than a year old.“The parliamentarian deplores that “children and babies sleep outside” in Lyon, as elsewhere in the country.

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