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Live from the set which will host the debate between the two rounds of the 2022 presidential election, journalist Guillaume Daret provides some details on its progress, Tuesday April 19.
Tuesday April 19, just over 24 hours from the debate between the two rounds of the 2022 presidential election, which will oppose Marine Le Pen to Emmanuel Macron, journalist Guillaume Daret delivers some details. What about the topics that will be discussed? “That’s secret-defense”specifies the reporter from the outset.
“It is negotiated until the last moment by the two teams. Do we start with purchasing power, with international, with the environment? Obviously, everyone sees their interest in it”explains in particular Guillaume Daret, who continues: “What we can reveal, and which was done by drawing lots, is the precise place of the two candidates” : Emmanuel Macron on the left, Marine Le Pen on the right. Marine Le Pen will answer the first question while Emmanuel Macron will begin the conclusions.