Video length: 9 min
Large Format: their uneventful neighbors were Russian spies
It’s a fascinating spy story. That of a couple of Russian agents who started a family and raised children in Slovenia. Their faces were discovered during a prisoner exchange on August 1.
(France 2)
It’s a fascinating spy story. That of a couple of Russian agents who started a family and raised children in Slovenia. Their faces were discovered during a prisoner exchange on August 1.
Their house in Slovenia was ordinary in appearance. Their life was discreet, uneventful. Yet, behind this almost perfect cover, the Dultsevs were formidable Russian spies. On August 1, they were welcomed at the airport by Russian President Vladimir Putin in person. In Slovenia, the couple claimed to be Argentine citizens and their two children spoke only Spanish. This summer, they were exchanged for American prisoners and Russian dissidents.
It all starts in Slovenia, a small central European country that is a member of the European Union and NATO. In the suburban suburb where they lived, their neighbors remember them as discreet and uneventful people. Their arrest on December 5, 2022 was a real shock: “I was totally surprised. It’s incredible to know that 20 meters from my house there were Russian spies”.
Watch the full report in the video above.