their strategies to trap insects

Carnivorous plants are ogresses. They do not eat small children but all the insects that have the misfortune to venture there.

Aphids, flies, wasps are on their menu. Even a stray Asian hornet can offer them a big snack. On the other hand, mosquitoes are not attracted to their nectar … Really too bad!

Each carnivorous plant has developed its strategy to attract and trap its pittance. In his Breton Carniflore nursery, Matthieu Jehanne observes these different tactics, starting with pitcher plants (Sarracenia) and their passive trap, like a slide of death:

“This is a trap without movement. Flying insects are attracted to the plant’s nectar. This nectar stuns them. And since the internal walls of the plant are slippery, the insect becomes exhausted trying to climb up. this slide and it ends up being digested … “

The flowers of pitcher plants are yellow, red, white or variegated. They can be 30 to 90 cm high.

This is what remains of the insects after digestion is complete in a pitcher plant. & Nbsp;  (ISABELLE MORAND / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

The dionea (Dionaea muscipula) called fly-trap or flycatcher has active traps. And not just a little! It only takes a few seconds for him to close his trap, equipped with hairs that look like teeth.

It is death assured for the insect: “Digestion will take a few days. It all depends on the size of the insect captured. The dionea eats a few insects per week or per month. It all depends on the environment we give it. These plants are not the most voracious, but their catching movement is the most exciting to watch. “

“When the insect is digested, the trap opens and you can see an empty shell. The plant has eaten the inside of the insect.”

Matthieu Jehanne, nurseryman

to franceinfo

Fly trap (Dionaea) with open traps.  (ISABELLE MORAND / RADIO FRANCE / FRANCE INFO)

There are also carnivorous plants with semi-active but very effective trap. This is the case with sundews (Drosera) whose leaves are equipped with hairs where apparently bead water droplets. The insect is fooled, arises to drink but the droplet is made of glue …

“This is called a semi-active trap. The movement is very slow. Once stuck on the plant, the insect can no longer escape. The leaf then takes 24 hours to wrap around. of it and digest it. “

“Digestion takes a few days. When the leaf has eaten enough, it turns black.”

Matthew Jehanne

to franceinfo

These carnivores are bog plants. They are grown in very acidic soil. You will find all the advice on how to grow them well on the Carniflore nursery website.

One last info: if you give it to your children, tell them to never play with the small teeth of the fly trap. This is the best way to deplete the plant and cause it to disappear.

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