If they agreed to talk, finally, 6 years after the death of their father, Jade and Joy Hallyday mainly did it for him.pay homage“. Audrey Crespo Mara, who came to meet them in Los Angeles, told Pure Media that they were at first “stressed” – normal when you have “15 and 19 years old for a first TV interview”.
“Remote controlled by their mother“?
Together, however, they discussed many subjects – since nothing “wasn’t taboo, no question was forbidden by Jade and Joy or their mother“. “They wanted it. VSIt was, for them, the right moment. Firstly because they are old enough and can express themselves more confidently and calmly. I also think that they were keen to say who they are.” says Audrey Crespo-Mara.
The young girls therefore mentioned “their adoption in Vietnam“, THE “unpublished personal archives” of their dad, the clan war among the Hallydays, but also “the violent, hateful and racist comments to which they are subject on social networks“said the interviewer.
Thierry Ardisson’s wife also remarks that the Hallyday girls are “American above all” And “think as much in English as in French“The two sisters of David Hallyday and Laura Smet”have character“, she also said, and added: “I found them lively and intelligent enough to answer the questions I asked them on their own. I don’t think they are the type to be remotely controlled by their mother“.
Laeticia Hallyday absent
Moreover, during this interview, Laeticia Hallyday was not present. The widow of Taulier “had the kindness to be absent during the interview with his daughters. She preferred to leave them alone with me. In any case, if she had wanted to stay, I would have asked her to leave as I do with all the entourages of my guests” assures the journalist.