their debate and the answers of the moderator put him in all his states!

This Thursday, April 27, 2023, american fugue, the latest novel by Bruno Le Maire, is coming to bookstores. Published by Gallimard, this book recounts the meeting between two brothers named Franz and Oskar Wertheimer and the famous pianist Vladimir Horowitz. Far from being unanimous, the book of the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty of France is at the heart of a lively controversy. Indeed, some criticize him for not investing enough in his role within the government.

This is the case of Estelle Denis who, this Thursday, pointed the finger at the latest project of the politician in full live. “Today, there is a crisis, there is inflation, the French are struggling to make ends meet. It’s not just his fault, but… I’m not talking about the relevance of the book , I’m not talking about what’s in it. I’m just saying that today the symbol bothers me. It doesn’t bother me that he writes a book, but doesn’t tell people who have trouble end of the month: ‘I am Minister of the Economy, but I have time to write books’. And above all, don’t take it out now”exclaimed the host on the set ofEstelle Noon.

See also:

“I find you annoying”

Estelle Denis, like several people, would have liked Bruno Le Maire to wait until the end of his mandate before revealing this story. A remark that did not fail to make Daniel Riolo react. Very angry with the mother of Victoire and Merlin, the sports journalist did not mince his words. “I find you embarrassing, you shock me”he launched.

And to continue: “You interfere in people’s lives, you want a minister to stay locked up from morning to night. That he doesn’t go on vacation, that he eats yogurt all day. You shock me. You revolt me. What does it matter… If he doesn’t want to sleep all night, if he wants to sleep 3 hours, if he wants to write during his vacation… We don’t Stop taking people for c*** with your symbolism. You despise people […] You are dictators.” Atmosphere…


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