theft of fruit and vegetables in the open field


Video duration:
2 min

France 2

Article written by

France 2 – O. Martin, A. Boutet, JC. Martin, N. Salem, M. Cayot, L. Navez, C. Bres

France Televisions

Thefts are increasing on farms. Farmers are worried about thieves stealing their fruits and vegetables.

Every day, the observation is the same in this field in Thieux (Oise): damaged plots, or carrot plants that thieves have cut. “On 1.5 meters long, they took the recipe of the day to make the evening soup”, estimates Clément Leturcq, farmer. He deplores two thefts per day on average on his farm. Each time, around ten kilos of vegetables. Thefts are becoming more and more frequent.


In Hauts-de-France, Guillaume Delannoy, a farmer, surprised people stealing pumpkins. Often, they are profiteers. Sometimes the quantities stolen are considerable. From a market garden in Roanne, in the Loire, 4 tonnes of vegetables have been stolen since the start of summer. The latest theft was committed in a tomato greenhouse: 450 kg, looted in a few hours.

source site-31