the Zouaves have for “objective” to “provoke fights”, according to a political scientist

While the alleged leader of the ultra-right group of Zouaves Paris, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, was arrested on Tuesday following the violence that occurred during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Villepinte, the political scientist Jean-Yves Camus explained on franceinfo that “where they are, there is always a fight”.

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The Zouaves Paris “is a group that looks like a street group, whose objective is precisely to provoke fights”, said on franceinfo Tuesday 14 December Jean-Yves Camus, political scientist specializing in the far right. The presumed leader of this small group, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, was arrested in the Hauts-de-Seine, following the violence that occurred during Éric Zemmour’s meeting in Villepinte.

“It is a groupuscular movement with a very weak nucleus, it is about thirty people”, he detailed, adding that they are looking to fight “with the very broad spectrum of their adversaries, those they qualify as leftists, the anti-fascists and those who do not have the right skin color or who belong to a minority”.

According to him, the security company employed by Eric Zemmour should not have allowed the presumed leader of the Zouaves to enter during his meeting in Villepinte on December 5, because Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier is “known as the white wolf in all these circles, because where they are there is always a fight.”

Sunday, December 12, Gérald Darmanin announced that he was initiating a dissolution procedure against this small group. Even if it is not constituted in association, there is everything that is necessary in the law to do it, according to Jean-Yves Camus. “The Internal Security Code perfectly allows the government to dissolve what is called a de facto grouping, that is to say people who act under a name, without being declared in associative form”, he explained.

The far-right specialist recalls, however, that a “interpellation can never lead to a dissolution, because it targets an individual while the dissolution targets a group.”

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