the youngest “Slam” champion on France 3 can count on Tina Arena!

This is a great first in the history of the program “Le Grand Slam”, broadcast on France 3. This Sunday, September 18, 2022, Enzo, a young man of 19, put his title of champion back into play after months of attendance. The candidate broke a historic record by crossing the bar of 200,000 euros. ” It’s something symbolic, no one has won so much money in Slam. Above all, it’s still exceptional to have so many victories. Now, as Tina Arena used to say, we must go higher “, said Enzo with emotion.

“The greatest champion of quiz games on France Télévisions”

Recently interviewed by RTL, Cyril Féraud had already mentioned the flawless course of the young participant. He had also not hidden his admiration for the champion. “ He has an awesome background. He has been passionate about Slam since he was fifteen. He recreates Slam grids in his room and so it was his absolute dream to participate in the show “. For his part, Enzo intended to follow the advice of Tina Arena by going as far as possible. Last July, he broke Arthur’s record by collecting 159,500 euros. On the set, he had explained his ambition. ” Now, I’m trying to aim for the other record held by Arthur, that of the number of victories (27, editor’s note) “. Ready to do anything to beat his opponent, the young man had again reached a milestone on September 11 by winning 4,000 euros more, for a jackpot amounting to 199,000 euros in earnings. Thanks to his perseverance, Enzo has become “ the greatest champion of France Télévisions quiz games. A title that was held until then by Marie-Christine of Everyone wants to take her place “Reports our colleagues from Here. He is also the youngest Grand Slam champion. A great success!


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