the young woman reveals her new companion on Instagram

Since she revealed herself in the 10th season of Secret Story on TF1, Sarah Lopez has been making a series of reality TV shows in which she tries to find love. Programs which have also allowed the young woman to know several idylls. But despite all these meetings, the former candidate for the Villa of Broken Hearts has so far not found what she was looking for. This summer, a rumor roamed social networks. Many Internet users affirmed that Sarah Lopez was in a relationship with Julien Guirado, also known to participate in reality TV programs.

An alleged story which then alerted many fans of the influencer, not convinced by this love choice. “Watch out for yourself !! “,” Not with him Sarah you are better “,” Guirado seriously you did not find you worse than him “,” Disappointed that a person like you, meets a guy who hit his wife, and it is not an invention. You don’t even respect your “convictions “, he could read then on social networks.

Sarah Lopez formalizes with her new companion on Instagram

This is the past summer … and Sarah Lopez has also remained discreet since concerning her love life. But Sunday, November 28, 2021, surprise! The beautiful is displayed in the arm of a brunette who embraces her tenderly and kisses her neck. “Let yourself be carried away, it’s also goodi “, she soberly captioned. A publication that immediately made her very many followers react.”Be happy you deserve it“,”You are beautiful“,”That happiness“,”Really cute these two“,”Like what love exists …“can we read among the comments. Even if we still do not know the identity of the lucky one, we hope that the young woman has finally found the happiness and plenitude that she seeks.

To see also: “No you are not friendly!”, “What a c * onne!” : Karine Le Marchand smashes a candidate from L’Amour is in the meadow!

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