The “young future” fair is full at Parc Chanot

The “Jeunes d’Avenirs” fair is of interest to young people between the ages of 16 and 30 with or without a diploma. Examples of companies that recruit Fnac-Darty, Véolia, Korian, Domusvi, Axion, Adem or Kangourou Kids. Candidates were supported throughout the day by advisers from Pôle Emploi, local missions and were able to meet professionals and trainers such as those from Afpa.

This fair also offered tools to facilitate the professional integration of young people thanks to schemes such as La Promo1618 or preparation for apprenticeship.

To consult the offers in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur it is possible to connect until May 31, 2022 on by clicking here.

Back in pictures on the red thread of the Job Day produced by Fabrice Marion from this show

  • 6:47 a.m.: Benoit Hercé, head of the Salon Jeunes d’Avenir.
  • 8:57 am: The Fnac Darty group recruits young apprentices

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  • 10:55 a.m.: Éric Besson is Head of Human Resources for the Korian group

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  • 11:55 am: Afpa solutions for young people from 16 years old with Sylvie Clément-Cottuz, Deputy Director of Afpa PACA?

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  • 12:15 p.m.: With Pascal Blain, Regional Director of Pôle emploi Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur

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  • 12:20 p.m. With Brigitte Cavallaro, Director General, Mission Locale de Marseille

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