the ylang-ylang flower, the captivating scent of Mayotte



Video length: 5 min.

France 2

Article written by

C. Rougerie, S. Guibout, G. Liaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

Direction Mayotte, which is also called “the island of flowers”. The queen there is ylang-ylang, a yellow flower prized by the greatest perfumers.

Thanks to its tropical climate, Mayotte has an incredibly diverse flora, with 1,350 species. One has made the island famous: ylang-ylang. The flower, highly prized by perfumers, was dubbed the yellow gold of Mahorais a few years ago. It is harvested by hand. Once collected, the flowers are entrusted to Hassani Soulaimana, a farmer in Ouangani (Mayotte). Today he receives a group of tourists, to tell them the secrets of the plant.

A local treasure

For it to reveal its fragrance, it must go through distillation. When the scent of ylang-ylang reaches its peak, the flowers are thrown into a vat of boiling water. Two hours later, the essential oil of ylang-ylang, lighter than water, remains on the surface. This captivating and soothing oil is sold for around 7 euros, in addition to the 45 euros for the visit. AT Mayotte, called the island of flowers, ylang-ylang is a real treasure. “We can use it in our necklace for weddings”explains Taambati Abdou, guardian of Mahoran heritage at Santal Logis (Mayotte).

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