the “yes” to the controversial new Constitution wins at 94.6%, according to preliminary results

The new Constitution, desired by President Kais Saied, grants vast prerogatives to the Head of State, to the point of jeopardizing the very young Tunisian democracy.

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The “yes” to the new Constitution imposed by President Kais Saied in Tunisia won by an overwhelming majority of 94.6%, announced on Tuesday July 26 the president of the electoral authority (Isie), Farouk Bouasker, on the basis of preliminary official results.

>> “It’s the people’s democracy!” : in Tunisia, the new Constitution approved by a very large majority

The new fundamental law, adopted in a referendum held on Monday, grants vast powers to the head of state, breaking with the parliamentary system in place since 2014. It was approved with a very high turnout. low of just 28%.

The opposition National Salvation Front (FSN) coalition, which had called for a boycott of the poll, accused the Isie electoral authority on Tuesday of having “amplified” and “falsified” the figures on the attendance at the ballot, announcing Monday evening the participation of nearly 28% of the electorate.

As of Monday evening, the DSF, which includes the Islamist-inspired movement Ennahdha, Kais Saied’s pet peeve, had advanced the figure of “75% of Tunisians having refused to give their approval to the putschist project launched a year ago by Kais Saied”. Said Benarbia, of the NGO International Commission of Jurists, also criticized the legitimacy of the vote with such a low mobilization.

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