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Thursday, May 19, the program “Complément d’Enquête” questions Édouard Philippe and how the Yellow Vests crisis has upset his relationship with Emmanuel Macron
Thursday, May 19, the show Further investigation looks at how Édouard Philippe, then Prime Minister, and Emmanuel Macron handled the Yellow Vests crisis and how this may have created tension between them. “It will be the beginning of the ordeal for Édouard Philippe, who will, for once, undergo the Elysée”, indicates Yaël Goosz, head of the political department of France Inter. At the time, the Prime Minister would have offered to resign, which Emmanuel Macron refused, to get on the front line himself.
For some, this strategy was a mistake. “Traditionally, the Prime Minister’s popularity rating drops, while the President of the Republic maintains his position, avoiding going to the front”, analyzes Jean-Marc Borello, president of the SOS group. Édouard Philippe, however, also participated in the Great Debate and does not find that the criticism is justified. The Prime Minister and the President would also have opposed the subject of the aid granted to the Yellow Vests.