“The year 2024 must be a year of determination”, affirms the President of the Republic during his speech

Set a “new course” for 2024. Emmanuel Macron will deliver, on Sunday December 31, in his traditional wishes to the French, a message of“unit”. The Head of State should insist in particular on the meetings which must bring the country together, from the Olympic Games to the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, including the reopening of Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedral. In his speech which begins at 8 p.m., the President of the Republic hopes to turn the page on a turbulent year and begin the relaunch of a struggling five-year term. Follow our live stream.

A message of “unity”. After a year 2023 rich in crises and controversies, from pension reform to that on immigration, including the urban riots of the summer or his recent controversial comments on Gérard Depardieu, his speech will be placed under the sign of “unity”summarizes an advisor.

A “brief” speech with no planned announcements. In wishes that the Elysée announces “brief”, the president should return to international news and discuss the reforms passed during the year. The head of state, who promised a “meeting with the nation” for January, should not reveal his intentions on Sunday evening.

The reshuffle in the background. Will the government reshuffle, which appears increasingly unavoidable, take place at the start of the year (or later) and with which incumbent at Matignon? Several ministers from the left wing, opposed to the text on immigration, are in any case in a delicate situation in the event of a change of team.

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