“The worst is behind us”…until the next wave!

The Minister of Health estimated on February 2 that “The worst is behind us and we have done the hardest”, about the fifth wave of Covid-19 in France. And it did not escape Olivia Leray …

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Congratulations to everybody ! We can congratulate each other on Thursday morning, it doesn’t hurt. Here: if you are at the office, shake hands; if you are in the street, check the person coming in front, it is allowed; honk the horn in the car if you want.

France would have passed the peak of the fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic, according to the Minister of Health Olivier Veran, guest Wednesday February 2 on BFMTV.

This is it my friends: relax. Everything is fluid, we are calm, everything is crystal clear and the instructions are clear. Or almost.

What also worries me, and here you can perhaps stop honking, is that this story of “worst is behind us“, I feel like I’ve heard it before somewhere. In June 2020. In June 2021 too, I think. And then in August. And then, finally, at the beginning of January, we took a raz- de-tide in the face.
But hey, if the next wave comes, we’re ready: now we’ve learned to surf.

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