the worst crimes in history committed by minors

Some child and adolescent killers will be fully aware of their actions and have no remorse or regrets, while others will never be able to explain their actions.

Family killings in France

In Corsica, nothing predestined Andy, 16, to commit the irreparable, yet he will kill all his family during their sleep on the night of August 11 to 12, 2009. His parents and his two twin brothers are found dead the next day. Andy reported himself to the police without ever having been able to explain his action. Earlier in the day, his uncle had found him wandering and lost on the beach. A loving, trouble-free family slaughtered by their own child.

In Seine-Maritime, Pierre, 14, a boy known to be polite and first in his class, is alone at home on October 27, 2004. He claims to have had the “idea” to kill his parents while he was doing his writing duty. Sitting on the sofa, he is watching the animated film Shrek. At his side, his father’s shotgun, he awaits the return of his parents, his little brother and his little sister. The young teenager seemed “detached” and “foreign” to the facts according to the investigators. He was unable to explain his gesture.

The false victim

In 2006 in Canada, Jasmine Richardson, a 12 year old teenager falls in love with a certain Jeremy, 23 years old. His parents forbid him to see him. One day, Jeremy Steinke goes to the home and kills the girl’s parents before asking Jasmine to stab her 8-year-old little brother in front of him.

It turned out during the trial that the latter was far from being a victim. She had repeatedly asked her boyfriend to kill her family. The two lovers are quickly caught by the authorities. She will only get ten years in prison and stay in a psychiatric hospital. She has been in total freedom since 2016 and lives discreetly under a new identity.

The monster


Summer 1993, in the countryside near New York. 13-year-old Eric Smith manages to isolate a 4-year-old boy, Derrick Robie, in a wood. He strangles him, hits him in the face with stones and subjects him to various sexual abuses. He confessed to the crime a few days after the burial of the little boy.

Red-haired boy with glasses and freckles. He will explain that he suffered for many years from mockery and intimidation, thus expressing his rage and his frustration on the young victim who was not responsible for anything. He will say that the latter absolutely did not deserve this fate. In 2021, at age 41 and after an 11th attempt, he was released on parole.

The Evil Children of Liverpool


James Bugler, 2 years old.

In 1993 in the UK, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson committed acts of untold atrocity on a 2-year-old child. James Bugler’s mother leaves him for a few minutes at the butcher’s entrance in a mall. That’s enough time for the two children, Jon and Robert, only 10 years old, to kidnap him. Their goal ? Isolate the child so that he is run over by a vehicle. During the journey of almost 3 km, they will mistreat the child who followed them with good heart. They hit him and knock him on his head. They throw paint on him before stoning him and hitting him with an iron bar and bricks. The child will die. But Jon and Robert, will continue by placing the body on the rails of a railway track before a train hits it. Two days later, the body will be discovered by two other children.

The demonic children will be released after eight years in prison, at 18. They will change identity. One of them is rumored to have changed his face using cosmetic surgery. Jon Venables is talking about him again, he was arrested for downloading child pornography.


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