According to a study carried out by the University College of London, it is young people who are returning to cigars in Great Britain.
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You thought the cigar was from another time, the cigar judged in the 1930s as a cheesy symbol of the arrogant wealthy in the Charlie Chaplin films. However according to the British newspaper The Times, from Tuesday March 5, the cigar is making a comeback, and not only in private clubs reserved for old, rich white men, sort of heirs of Winston Churchill. The pBritish Prime Ministera heavy cigar smoker that he compared to love whose flame should never be allowed to go out.
But, very far from Churchill, according to a study carried out by the University College of London, it is young people who are returning to cigars in Great Britain. Some 3% of 18-24 year olds smoke cigars compared to only 1% of those over 65. 10 years ago the percentages were the same but reversed. Which worries researchers.
An indirect effect of the success of the electronic cigarette
We could have thought of a Rihanna effect, the queen of RnB who often appears with a cigar in her mouth in her clips, but it is the electronic cigarette which would actually be linked to this unexpected return. According to researchers, if cigarettes have done a lot of harm to cigars since the end of the First World War, their electronic cousin, on the contrary, encourages young people to try a whole bunch of other nicotine-based products. Cigar but also pipe, cigarillos or chicha.
Hence the importance “vital”Write the Times, to apply the future British tobacco law to all products. An ambitious law promised by the government which should prohibit the sale of tobacco to anyone born after 2009. In France, we are not there yet. However, since tobacco kills more than 60,000 people per year, it is undoubtedly time to not listen to Winston Churchill and finally let the flame go out.