French footballer Paul Pogba denounces having suffered “extortion attempts” and threats from his entourage and in particular his big brother.
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Footballer Paul Pogba, victim of threats and extortion attempts from his older brother and childhood friends, has already paid 100,000 euros to his extortionists, according to the elements of the file that franceinfo was able to consult. The world champion paid this sum in March 2022.
>> “Extortion attempts” on Paul Pogba: the brother, the childhood friends and the marabout … What the player told the police
It was at this time that people whom Paul Pogba identifies as his childhood friends demanded 13 million euros from him, three million of which to be paid immediately. He refuses, but the group insists. The footballer then tries to withdraw the three million euros in question. But his bankers refuse. According to information that franceinfo reveals on Tuesday August 30, he still manages to withdraw 100,000 euros and gives them to those who threaten him. He also agrees to sign a paper agreeing to pay the rest of the amount.
In front of the investigators, Paul Pogba confided that he felt taken hostage by this group of former friends. After having trained him in a Parisian apartment, the band, as well as two armed men, had claimed 13 million euros from the player for services rendered, a discreet protection according to them, provided for years to the footballer and his family.
In this case, an investigation for “extortion attempts in an organized gang” on Paul Pogba has been open since the beginning of August in France.