the work in tribute to the Algerian hero Abdelkader vandalized before its inauguration

The Algerian emir, who had fought the French in the years 1830-1840, had been detained in Amboise with several members of his family from 1848 to 1852.

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The work in tribute to the Emir Abdelkader (1808-1883) was vandalized before its inauguration, Saturday February 5 in Amboise (Indre-et-Loire), noted AFP journalists. Title Passage Abdelkader and signed by the Touraine artist Michel Audiard, the work represents this historical figure in a sheet of rusty steel. It has been largely degraded in the lower part of the structure.

The inauguration of the stele was maintained, but the mayor of Amboise, Thierry Boutard (DVD), expressed his “indignation”. “I was ashamed that we treat a work of art and an artist of this kind. The second feeling is of course indignation. It is a day of harmony that must unite and such behavior is unspeakable”, he said. Algeria’s ambassador to France, Mohamed Antar Daoud, for his part called for “more dialogue and understanding”.

This work for the 60th anniversary of Algeria’s independence was proposed by historian Benjamin Stora in his report on “Memorial questions relating to colonization and the Algerian war”, submitted to Emmanuel Macron in January 2021 The Algerian fighter had taken the lead of the rebellion which had opposed the colonization of the territory by France, and which stood up to the French army for many years. But after several setbacks, he had to capitulate in 1847. He was then detained in Amboise with several members of his family, from 1848 to 1852, before being released by Napoleon III.

Abdelkader then ended his life in Syria, where he notably distinguished himself by saving Christians threatened by Muslims during a wave of persecution in Damascus. This earned him the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor from his former enemy, France.

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