The words of Valérie Pécresse on “the Kärcher”, differences with Macron on Europe … The “8h30 franceinfo” of Michel Barnier

The Europe and World advisor of Valérie Pécresse was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Friday January 7, 2022.

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Michel Barnier, former candidate for the Les Républicains party congress and adviser France and Europe in the World of Valérie Pécresse was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo “, Friday January 7, 2022.” Bringing the Kärcher out of the cellar “, differences with Macron on Europe … He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Salhia Brakhlia.

“Take the Kärcher out of the cellar”: “I have no problem with that word”

While Valérie Pécresse wants “bring the Kärcher out of the cellar” to put security back at the center of the presidential campaign Michel Barnier assures us: “I have no problem with that word”.

For the former candidate for the primary of the Republicans party, “There are neighborhoods that are outlawed in our country, and it is the failure of the President of the Republic. The main failure is that of security. This feeling of impunity and insecurity reigns everywhere (…) and it is a responsibility which the president will not escape “.

Presidency of the EU: “I was European before” Emmanuel Macron

While France has been chairing the Council of the European Union since January 1, and Emmanuel Macron has established his priorities for the next six months such as the digital transition, the constitution of a Europe of Health, the overhaul of Schengen, Michel Barnier asserts: “I was European before him (…) and these are ideas that we defend, that I defended”.

The advisor of Valérie Pécresse also assures that he disagrees with Emmanuel Macron on “an orientation of the Commission which would like the decrease in agricultural matters. We need to preserve the food sovereignty of our continent”.

Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” of Friday January 7, 2022:

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