the words of Géraldine Maillet on the “poor SNCF agents” are shocking!

On January 2, a mother and her daughter lost their cat, Neko, who had taken refuge under a train, in Montparnasse station, in Paris. As the driver began to roll, the animal was crushed on the tracks. A drama that has attracted a new controversy at the SNCF. And this January 23, Géraldine Maillet came to the defense of the company, on the set of TPMP.

“Falling on the back of the SNCF and its poor agents”

On C8, she first explained: “Obviously it’s a tragic news item and it really hurts a lot, and it must be horrible and I imagine that the mother and the daughter are completely traumatized”. And to add: “Once we said that, I find that falling on the back of the SNCF and its poor agents who did as they could, they still negotiated for 20 minutes”.

Faced with disagreements from the rest of the team, Daniel Riolo’s wife asked: “What should have been done in fact? Convict who and to what? If we moved the train, we condemned it, they imagined that by moving the train, the cat by reflex would have moved, he would have fled. Well, that’s not what happened, he remained amorphous and he didn’t move. How can we do it?”

>> See also: TPMP: Mokhtar catches Cyril Hanouna in the middle of a broadcast, live muscular arrest

And to cite a few examples of emergencies: “If there are old people on the train who are sick, who have medicine and cannot take it? How long are we waiting, an hour? Two o’clock ? Three hours ? Four hours ? Five hours ? At one point, there are also other trains, there is a responsibility, the poor SNCF agents, they did what they could, it was the end of the school holidays, it was great hot, they were under great pressure”.

“When we have animals, we watch them”

At the end of his demonstration, the columnist of Cyril Hanouna asked: “I’m just asking that we investigate and listen to them because we only have one version of the facts, we don’t know exactly what happened.“. And to support, like his colleague Benjamin Castaldi: “And yes, when you have animals, you are responsible for your animals and you watch them”.


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