The Minister of the Interior affirmed on TF1 that France will not welcome exiles currently on the Italian island. The President of the Republic defended a “duty of European solidarity” with Rome.
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“I am very surprised by the comments of Gérald Darmanin, which are in complete opposition to what the President of the Republic declared a few days ago”, reacted Tuesday September 19 on franceinfo Damien Carême, MEP Green Group/European Free Alliance, and co-president of the National Association of Welcoming Cities and Territories. France “will not welcome migrants” coming from the Italian island of Lampedusa, subject for several days to a significant migratory influx, declared Tuesday the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, guest on 8 p.m. on TF1.
Emmanuel Macron defended a “duty of European solidarity” with Italy a few days ago, when Berlin suspended the voluntary reception of asylum seekers from this country, and Rome refused to apply European agreements.
“The Minister of the Interior does not respond to international conventions when he declares that there are nationalities which are not eligible for the duty of asylum”, explains the MP.
The right to asylum is individual, we must listen to all people to find out why they fled their country
Damien Carême, MEPat franceinfo
Gérald Darmanin raised the possibility of returning people to countries with which France has “good diplomatic relations”. The minister cited Ivory Coast and Senegal. “He cannot decree, because they are Ivorians, Senegalese, that we will not examine their request for asylum because we have good relations with these countries. We do not know what these people suffer”insisted Damien Carême.