“The withdrawal of Jérôme Peyrat was absolutely inevitable,” says the president of the Women’s Foundation Anne-Cécile Mailfert

Sentenced in 2020 in a case of violence against his former partner, Jerôme Peyrat withdrew his candidacy in the fourth district of Dordogne.

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Jérôme Peyrat, candidate for Together! in the legislative elections in the 4th constituency of Dordogne, withdrew his candidacy on Wednesday May 18. His investiture by the presidential party was controversial, Jérôme Peyrat having been sentenced in 2020 for violence against his ex-companion. “It was absolutely inevitable“, reacts on franceinfo Anne-Cécile Mailfert, president of the Women’s Foundation.

>> By withdrawing his candidacy, Jérôme Peyrat “made a decision that honors him”, reacts the mayor of Reims Arnaud Robinet

It’s a pity that there was first, and above all, an investiture of Jérôme Peyrat“, she adds before denouncing the remarks made Wednesday morning, on franceinfo, by Stanislas Guerini. The general delegate of La République en Marche has “defended an honest man” before backpedaling. Remarks that the president of the Women’s Foundation judges “unsustainable“.

The political class, according to her,does not take the measure of what has happened in the past five years in society, since #Metoo. We hear completely mind-blowing speeches with men who think they are better judges than the judges themselves.“A discourse out of step with a society”that advances, changes and progresses“.

The President of the Women’s Foundation recalls that 231,000 women are victims of domestic violence each year. “The political parties must now realize that this is no longer possible, that the society in which we live has evolved. That no: a man who has been violent with his wife cannot be a representative of the nation. They can and do not have to invest this kind of character. Why are they still doing it?“, she concludes.

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