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Christmas, a holiday celebrated all over the world, under the sign of the Covid, but also of solidarity with the most disadvantaged people. It’s weekly photo, special New Year’s Eve.
The magic of the shortest day of the year. For millennia, pagans have braved the cold to celebrate the winter solstice, as in Great Britain on the site of Stonehenge, where tradition is at the origin of the Christmas holidays. Under the gilding and pomp of the White House decorations, US President Joe Biden announces new measures to fight Covid.
To put on a show for the young patients of this hospital, the Snow Queen climbs onto a window washer’s basket. In Briançon in the Alps, a skier did not expect to find Afghan refugees on the slopes, where after having crossed the Italian border in the middle of winter, they join a solidarity refuge to exile. In Missouri, an illuminated tree takes center stage with its 12,000 lights.