The wind in Occitan

Disètz lo vent. In our region, the letter V is pronounced in Occitan B (as in Spanish and Catalan), pronounce the wind. A ramelet of events is organized on the occasion of aquesta jornada europea del vent e de l’energia eoliana / on the occasion of this European day of wind and wind energy, several events are organized across European cities and regions to celebrate the “power of the wind”. Objective: to promote the potential and efficiency of wind as an energy source.

Mas ia quicòm que truca amb las eolianas …

But there is a problem with wind turbines. Sometimes, citizens but also local elected officials mobilize against the installation of wind farms. Perked? Why ? Well because for them, these wind turbines are an additional source of visual and noise pollution. Lo 27 d’abril passat, in Garona Nauta, in Senta Gabèla / on April 27, in Haute-Garonne, in Cintegabelle, the commissioner in charge of the public inquiry concerning the project to set up a wind farm issued a negative opinion.

Good world question: how do you say the verb “to blow” in Occitan?

Responsible: bufar in Occitan-Lengadocian and bohar in Occitan-Gascon. In çò ours, I have only coneisson lo autan wind / in our region, some people know the autan wind: in the Aude, near Castelnaudary, you can hear the following expression: the autan of Castèlnau, avèi bufa, doman plau / the autan of Castelnaudary, today it’s blowing, tomorrow it’s raining. Another saying heard in the Tarn at Mazamet: the autan of Masamet, you gave up on the set / the Mazamet autan leaves you thirsty. In other words: it does not end in rain.

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