the wife of his lover in the sights of investigators?


Article written by

H. Puffeney, N. Perez, A.Remond, E.Penot – France 2

France Televisions

New revelations could change everything in the Jubillar case. A year after the disappearance of nurse Delphine Jubillar, her lover’s wife would be targeted by investigators. The two women would have exchanged many SMS in particular.

Telephone exchanges could revive the investigation around the disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: communications between the latter, her lover and his wife. The day before Delphine Jubillar’s disappearance, on December 14, her lover sent her a message: “I miss you”. The lover’s wife, after finding out about the SMS, then called Delphine. The two women would then have sent about twenty SMS, and concluded a pact: the woman, who will soon separate from her husband, asked Delphine to no longer contact him.

This one accepted, but sent despite everything the same evening an intimate photo to her lover. For Me Jean-Baptiste Alary, lawyer for Cédric Jubillar, this track was not exploited by the investigators. “These are people who were heard by the gendarmes, but we brushed it aside with the back of the sleeve”, he comments. The day before the disappearance, the lover’s wife also called a number 145 times, the owner of which remains unknown. The lover and his wife were never questioned on these precise points.


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